Scammers Targeting New Jersey Businesses With US Bank Text Message Scam

Scammers are targeting New Jersey businesses with text message scams.
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Scammers Targeting New Jersey Businesses With US Bank Text Message Scam

Key Points:
  • Scammers are targeting New Jersey businesses with text message scams.
  • The scammers are sending text messages that appear to be from a US bank, asking the recipient to click on a link to update their account information.
  • Do not click on the link if you receive one of these text messages. Instead, delete the message.

New Jersey Businesses Must Be Aware of Text Message Scams

Scams are no longer restricted to just phone calls and emails- now, scammers are also targeting businesses with text messages. One such scam that has been making the rounds is the bank text message scam, where businesses in New Jersey have received texts that appear to be from their banks. The texts usually state that there has been suspicious activity on the account or that the recipient’s account information needs to be updated. They then provide a link for the recipient to click on. The link will take the recipient to a fake website that looks very similar to the real website of the bank. Once on the website, the text message recipient will be asked to input their personal and financial information, which the scammers will then use to commit fraud. Do not click on the link if you receive one of these text messages. Delete the message immediately. You can call your bank directly to inquire if the message is confirmed. Do not reply to the text message or call any phone number provided in the message. By being aware of this scam, you can protect yourself and your business from becoming a victim of fraud.

Smishing: A New Way for Scammers to Target Your Business

The bank text message scam is a type of fraud involving sending unsolicited text messages from a legitimate financial institution. This scam is known as SMS phishing or smishing. Smishing is a play on the word “phishing”, a type of fraud that uses emails from legitimate companies to get recipients to provide personal or financial information. The scammers then use this information to commit identity theft or financial fraud. This type of scam has been increasing in recent years as more people use text messaging to communicate and scammers become more sophisticated. Here are a few examples of the types of text messages scammers posing as US banks have been sending:
  • “Your account has been suspended. Please click here to reactivate it.”
  • “We’re sorry, your account has been locked. Please click here to unlock it.”
  • “We have detected unusual activity on your account. Please click here to verify your identity.”
  • “We’re sorry, your account has been closed. Use the link below to contact customer service.”
  • “Customer, your account has been temporarily suspended. Please click here to restore access.”
These text messages all have one thing in common- the intention to trigger a response. The message’s urgency is designed to get the recipient to act without thinking, so it’s essential to be aware of this scam.

Why Has Smishing Become So Effective?

Smishing has become an effective way for scammers to commit fraud because it can be complicated to distinguish between a legitimate text message and a smishing message. Scammers have become skilled at creating text messages that look like they’re from a legitimate source, such as a bank or a government agency. One of the reasons smishing is so effective is that it takes advantage of our natural inclination to trust text messages more than email messages. We’re used to getting text messages from our friends and family, so we’re more likely to believe a text message is legitimate. Email messages, on the other hand, are often full of spam, so we’re more skeptical of them. Smishing messages are also often more urgent than email messages, making us more likely to respond without thinking. For example, a smishing message might say that there’s a problem with our bank account and we need to act quickly to avoid losing our money. This sense of urgency can make us more likely to respond to the message without thinking, which is exactly what the scammer wants.

How Can You Protect Yourself From Smishing Scams?

The best way to protect yourself from smishing scams is to be aware of them. If you get a suspicious text message, do not click on any links or respond to the message. Instead, delete the message and block the sender. You can also report the scam to your local authorities. Additionally, you can protect yourself by never giving out personal information, such as your bank account number or social security number, over the phone or through text message.

Mobile Device Security Safeguards

Phishing and smishing are not the only threats to your mobile device. In the digital age, our phones are full of personal and sensitive information that can be compromised if our devices or the information stored on them falls into the wrong hands. Here are some tips to help keep your mobile device and the information stored on it safe and secure:
  • Use a strong password or passcode to lock your device. This will help prevent unauthorized access if your device is lost or stolen.
  • Be selective about the apps you download and only install apps from trusted sources. Some malicious apps can contain viruses or spyware that can steal your personal information.
  • Keep your operating system and all apps up to date. Regular updates can help fix security vulnerabilities that criminals could exploit.
  • Avoid public Wi-Fi whenever possible. If you must use public Wi-Fi, make sure the network is secure and avoid
You can take several other steps to protect your device and your information from theft or fraud. Doing your part to stay informed and taking steps to safeguard your mobile device will help reduce your risk of becoming a victim of crime.

How Baroan Technologies Helps New Jersey Businesses with Cybersecurity

Cybersecurity is a top concern for businesses of all sizes, especially for small businesses that may not have the resources to invest in robust security measures. As a leading Managed Services Provider (MSP) in New Jersey, we have a team of cybersecurity experts who can help businesses keep their data safe. Here are a few ways that we help businesses with cybersecurity:
  • Providing comprehensive security assessments to identify vulnerabilities
  • Implementing security solutions to protect data and systems
  • Educating employees on best practices for cybersecurity
  • Monitoring networks 24/7/365 to identify and respond to threats
We also offer a wide range of other IT services, including managed IT services, cloud services, and data backup and recovery solutions. Contact us today to learn more about how we can help your business with cybersecurity.

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Baroan is a complete IT services & IT support company working with organizations in Elmwood Park and across the United States of America.

Written by Guy Baroan 
By: Guy Baroan