Is Your Boss Letting Hackers In?

Spread the love Is your CEO unknowingly exposing the entire company to cyberattacks? While almost all security teams (92%) set out specific plans to help protect their CEO from cyberattacks and data breaches, 54% of security personnel believe their CEO is ignoring these plans.¹ If this is worrisome to you, either as the CTO of a
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Is your CEO unknowingly exposing the entire company to cyberattacks? While almost all security teams (92%) set out specific plans to help protect their CEO from cyberattacks and data breaches, 54% of security personnel believe their CEO is ignoring these plans.¹ If this is worrisome to you, either as the CTO of a company, an employee, or even the CEO in question, here are some ways you can ensure that you or your CEO can be compliant with the cybersecurity practices that are put in place. Highlight the Risk If your CEO doesn’t see the risk in having a mediocre cybersecurity plan in place, you may need to reposition your argument. They need to understand cyber risk in the same way they understand financial risk, or health and safety risk.² It’s common for C-level executives and board members to see cybersecurity and data breaches as an IT department issue, but in this age, a cyber attack affects the WHOLE company, not just the IT department. It’s important to highlight how attacks affect all areas of a business and can even snowball into financial, health, and safety risks in addition. Meet with the Executives
Have a meeting with the C-level employees. They may not see the value of cybersecurity because they don’t know the depth of it. Go over why they specifically are targeted and how they can defend themselves against attacks. more often than not, attackers aren’t going after IT, they’re targeting finance, HR and other parts of the organization which hold valuable data — and users who might not be up to speed with cyber security issues. ³ It’s never safe to assume that people know what warning signs to look for with things like phishing emails, ransomware, or spyware.
Have a Drill
Your boss may have the ever-popular “It won’t happen to us” mentality when it comes to cyber attacks. If that is preventing you from having a solid cybersecurity plan, then have a drill. You can choose to let your boss know, or make them think it’s really happening. Often times, business owners want to get the latest and greatest cybersecurity plans AFTER a breach already happened, so why not get them to that point without the real danger of a data breach or cyber attack?
We all know that Presidents and CEOs are busy and may not have time to review yet another thing, but if you don’t and your company gets hacked, your CEO will no longer be busy, because they won’t have a business… 60 percent of small companies go out of business within six months of falling victim to a data breach or cyber attack.³ If you think your company is vulnerable to a cyber attack, check out these 5 things that indicate that something is awry:
¹ ² ³

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Baroan is a complete IT services & IT support company working with organizations in Elmwood Park and across the United States of America.

Written by Guy Baroan 
By: Guy Baroan