Basics Of Cybersecurity Training for End-Users In New Jersey 

Do you know that your employees are the biggest threat to your organization's cybersecurity? Discover how you can turn your team from a liability into your network's last line of defense.
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Learn the Basics Of Cybersecurity Training for End-Users In New Jersey

Do you know that your employees are the biggest threat to your organization’s cybersecurity? Discover how you can turn your team from a liability into your network’s last line of defense. According to statistics, nearly 90% of cyber attacks result from human error or behavior. Faced with this crisis, the task of training and educating employees on cybersecurity falls into your hands. To protect your sensitive client and employee information, you need to implement a robust cybersecurity awareness training program for your end-users. Generally, a solid security awareness training program needs to educate end-users on the importance of protecting sensitive data and how to identify the most prominent malicious threats. Watch our latest video on end-user awareness training to get started:

What Are the Basics Of Cybersecurity Training for End-Users?

Your end-user security training program must cover the following topics: Phishing and Social Engineering Social engineering attacks are based on tricking administrators or users into divulging sensitive information. Phishing is a common type of social engineering attack that attempts to acquire private information such as usernames and passwords from a user through chat or email. While phishing emails are designed to appear as if they come from credible sources, there are some common red flags. These telltale signs include misspelled words and typos, a sense of urgency, links with a random string of letters and numbers, or unusual requests. What should you, your clients, or employees do if you run into a potential phishing scam? The first rule is to avoid clicking on any link or attachment or replying whenever you feel like something is off. The second step is to get in touch with your IT support team immediately. In case it’s an actual scam, you need to pass that information along so that it doesn’t spread throughout your organization. Access, Passwords, and Connection You need to evaluate your network’s various aspects, from passwords and access privileges to a network connection. You need to distinguish between privileged and general users and define any other level of access in between. Privileged access is typically granted to users that need to access sensitive data or perform administrative-level functions. Each employee must know the apps, information, or functions they can and can’t access or perform. Your staff must also maintain robust password security measures. Some basic best practices include:
  • Avoid using short or oversimplified passwords, reusing them across multiple apps, or sharing them out.
  • Use a strong password that’s at least eight characters long and contain special characters and letters. Avoid obvious information like birthdays.
  • Try to change or update your passwords after around six months at least.
Your employees also need to be cautious of any connections they use outside your workplace or their home offices. That’s because public networks run the risk of being tapped, which opens the information being exchanged over that network to all sorts of vulnerabilities. Only use trusted network connections or those secured with proper VPN settings. Device Security These days, many more organizations are embracing bring-your-own-device (BYOD) policies. Consequently, the number of mobile devices entering the workplace and accessing company data has risen dramatically. Unfortunately, as more mobile devices connect to your corporate network, your data becomes more exposed to cyber threats. Therefore, you need to ensure all your employees’ devices are securely connected to your organization’s network. Your team members also need to maintain possession of their mobile devices at all times. Because they don’t have any pre-installed Endpoint protection, smartphones and tablets are arguably less secure than desktops and laptops. Finally, your end users must always be aware of the website they use, the apps they install, and the links they click on.

Need Professional Help With Your End User Cybersecurity Awareness Training In New Jersey?

Our experienced cybersecurity specialists at Baroan Technologies are eager to help you train your staff on how to safeguard your sensitive information. Contact Us Now to get started!

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Written by Guy Baroan 
By: Guy Baroan